Tag Archives: wade

May Q & A


It is hard to believe that it has been an entire month (click here to read) since my last Q & A. Where has the time gone?? The last month our time has been spent baking, picking up to-go meals, and finding random projects around the house to keep us busy. Not complaining whatsoever, it’s just really hard to believe that time has gone by surprisingly fast and we have literally not been doing anything (or seeing anyone!)....


My Second Q & A


Last month I did my first ever Q & A (you can read the post here) and I was so pleased with the response that I received that I decided to do it again this month! While I did get A LOT of questions, I decided that I just would take the first 10 that had not already been asked (I get lots of the same questions and questions that I have already answered in the Q&A so I wanted to make sure they were different this time)....


Happy Weekend & Best Black Friday Sales


Happy weekend! How was everyone Thanksgiving? Ours was just wonderful. I can officially say that I have hosted our very first Thanksgiving at our home. 17 people!! Although a little bit crowded, it was one of the best days having all of our family and a few friends in our house. We had the best meal, ate wayyyy too much, had all the champagne, watched football and laughed A LOT....