My Pregnancy Style

One thing that I have gotten more than a handful of e-mails and comments about throughout my pregnancy is my ‘pregnancy style’. I personally think it is kind of weird to negatively e-mail someone about the way they are dressing THEIR own baby bump, but to each their own. These comments have consisted of readers saying that I am ‘hiding my bump’, that I ‘don’t look pregnant’ or that I’m not ’embracing my pregnancy’. Not sure how I am putting off that vibe but again, to each their own…


Earth Mama Body Butter

One of the first things my friends told me when I told them I was pregnant was that I needed to start using a body butter to help prevent stretch marks with all of the growing/stretching my skin was about to do. As someone who is realistic that stretch marks will probably happen but also wants to do as much as I can to prevent/minimize them, I started using


Where is the best place to buy maternity clothes?

One of the biggest misconceptions I had about maternity clothing before I got pregnant was that there would be ZERO options and I would not look or feel cute for 9 months. I 100% take back that thought because I


How To Stay In Shape Throughout your Pregnancy

Staying in shape throughout my pregnancy has not only been a personal goal that I set for myself from the beginning but also one of the biggest physical challenges that I have had thus far. Pregnancy is such a weird thing because you literally do not have control of your own body. Even if you are keeping up with your pre-pregnancy work out routine, it’s inevitable that the numbers on the scale are going to increase....


Doona Infant Carseat & Base

This convertible infant car seat and stroller is one of the best products I have been introduced to since we started preparing for the arrival of our first baby. We plan to keep this stroller in Wade’s car as well as


My Baby Registry

Creating your baby registry can be quite intimidating, especially if you are going to be a first time mom like me! Although I have a mom of my own and SO many friends that already have littles, there is something so personal about creating your own baby registry. For one, it’s such a personal preference. There are so many different products it can be overwhelming, plus you add in the different styles and color waves and you could spend DAYS trying to find what you ‘think’ will work best for you....