Tag Archives: zella

How to get back into working out

Amy Havins shares how to get back in shape with Nordstrom.

Working out can be well…blah. You are tired, have other things that you need to get done or you really just don’t feel like it. I promise, we have all been there because if working out and getting in shape were easy, we would all be what we think is the best version of ourselves.

For me, working out has always been something that I have tried to make a priority....


Workout Clothes

nike top//nike sports bra//zella capri pants//nike running shoes//nike jacket//chanel tote (similar here)//ray ban sunniessmart buy glasses//opi big apple red polish

If there is one thing that I could live in (besides dresses) it would be my workout clothes. They are comfortable, forgiving and also they don’t have to look horrible but actually really cute. ...



zella top//zella pants//nike shoes//gifted clique phone case//emi-jay hair ties

Nike is the only brand I have ever worn to work out it. No, I am not too much of a freak, it is just a brand that was introduced to me by my dad at a very young age....