Tag Archives: personal

Life Lately

Since summer has come and gone (how did it go so quickly), it is time to do a little life update. Although nothing too major is going on, it is always fun to give you all just a little more insight to what is going on since you only see about 30 seconds of my life daily (via instagram stories) or even if you do read here, sometimes I don’t go into a whole lot of detail!...


How Wade and I Met

Amy and Wade Havins

Last week I wrote a more personal blog post mentioning some things that you may not know about me. I will admit that I was a bit nervous to publish something that was more ‘journal’ like but after the amazingly positive response that I got to the post I thought I would continue this ‘coffee like’ talk. I got a handful of comments and e-mails from readers (love this btw) and one reader (hi Maggie) commented that I should post about how Wade and I met.

It’s funny how you get wrapped up in your own little world and you just assume people know things about you but in reality they don’t.


Things you may not know about me

Amy havins wears denim on denim.

It has now been 5 1/2 years since I started this little space on the internet. One of the most rewarding things has been to see it grow but to also have all of you following along on this crazy fun journey. Although I am VERY open on my SnapChat/InstagramStories/InstagramLive; ‘opening up’ on my blog has not always been something that I have done. Not because I do not want to be open or seem more relatable but because I get caught up in my ‘normal’ routine of posts and content and often don’t branch out.