Tag Archives: lately
Happy Weekend
Happy weekend everyone! I hope you all had as wonderful of a week as we did. This week was extremely busy. Between work and the baby I am really not sure how I made it to Friday! I had everything from the Neiman Marcus Fantasy gift reveal to the Opera lunch with Ferragamo to two different events last night....
Happy Weekend
Happy weekend friends! Who else is excited that today is Cinco de Mayo? Totally honest, I am not missing the margaritas this year but instead embracing this beautiful day and continuing to count down the arrival of baby Ralph! I cannot believe that in just 9 1/2 weeks he will be here (single week digits are a big deal, haha).
The last two weeks have been completely crazy but I am really seeing the light at the end of the tunnel when its comes to pregnancy and interior related things. As the days go by I
pretty pink peonies in our entry way the puppy brothers, Banks & Harry, enjoying their new bedone of many fun nights with my favorite guythe extent of our holiday decor this year (I have high hopes for next year)attending the Footwear News Achievement Awards with Sarah Jessica earlier this month (you can look at her gorgeous shoes here & here)taking notes at Neiman’s for our tree next year (I wish!)
To see even more photos of what I have been up to lately make sure to follow along on Instagram (@DallasWardrobe)! ...