Tag Archives: coffee
How to Make Wade’s Latte
For years Wade has been putting together this latte for myself (and him) to enjoy most afternoons. I have often posted about drinking it and gotten MANY inquires about what is actually in it and today I am FINALLY sharing!
Much to all of your surprise, it is the most simple thing ever to create at home....
Blue & White Stripe Blouse
Besides the last 24 hours, the weather in Dallas has been nothing sort of a dream. Flowers blooming, fresh air, green grass, birds chirping and sunshine…all things that signal that spring has officially sprung!
Since the last week has been so lovely in Dallas, I have tried to spend as much time as possible outdoors. I have also been getting out of the house in the afternoons and working from my favorite neighborhood spots.
Frank & Eileen Shirtdress
shirtdress c/o // sneakers c/o // sunnies // polish // tote
Since I spend most of my days at home working, the majority of the time you will find me work-out clothes. While I do love nothing more than running around in my work out clothing, lately I have been trying to steer away from this…at least some days....