Tag Archives: what to wear in dallas

Happy Weekend

Amy Havins shares her weekend plans and the best weekend sales online.

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Happy weekend! I am so excited that today is finally here. Not just because the next two days have lots of fun things in store but in addition to fun plans I love the weekends because the world shuts off. No work e-mails, it’s just nice and calm.

This week really flew by. I spent more hours that I normally do grinding away on my computer, I worked out and I even got a little extra sleep....


Happy Weekend

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Happy weekend! Or should I say happy halloween? How is it already November on Sunday and time to ‘fall back’? This year. Whoa baby.

While the week was one of the busiest I have had in a LONG time, this weekend is a bit packed with really fun and exciting things. Besides the normal things like spin and brunch we are going to attend a halloween party Saturday night....


Happy Weekend

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Happy weekend! Thank goodness this day is finally here. I cannot even begin to tell you what a long week it has been. Endless e-mails, work related things and just life in general. This girl is TIRED. I think all of the traveling/no sleep/weddings have finally caught up to me because I am having the hardest time keeping my eyes open!...