Tag Archives: beauty products
Products I Use at Night On my Face
vitamin c serum pad // pm therapy moisturizer // eye cream
My nighttime routine got a little out of hand so I decided to simplify it. By simplify I mean I literally use these three products every single night and I’ve never been happier with my skin.
Not only has my melasma lightened significantly but my skin is also more hydrated and I my under eye circles have disappeared!...
New Favorite Shampoo & Conditioner
A few weeks ago I needed a shampoo and conditioner change. I had been using the same combo for a few months. I am still keeping the same combo (click here to see what I have been using) but wanted to add a couple new *friends* to start the fall season.
If you have been following along for a bit, you know that my husband and I BOTH wear this cologne (and have for years!)....
What Products I keep In our Shower
Last week I was doing an Instagram Live and one of the questions that I got asked was ‘what products do we keep in our shower’. While some might think that would be a strange question, I think it is a GREAT question because I too wonder what products people keep in their showers.
Since I like to mix up my products I keep certain products (pictured above) in my shower and then others under my sink....