Before I got to my third trimester, Wade made sure that the two of us went out of town more than a handful of times. A couple of the times consisted of trips we took with friends, and a few were just the two of us. All amazing memories that I know we will never forget! Although we will be traveling without the baby once he arrives, we both know that those getaways will have a different mindset (especially at first) because we are sure we will be checking on little Ralph.
Our last ‘get away’ (or as some like to call it a ‘baby moon’) was when I was 25 weeks and was probably one of my favorite trips that the two of us have ever taken. It was a week of just celebrating the two of us and of course so much relaxing. Sun, spa, pool, delicious food and beach are things that make the perfect vacation for me and that is exactly what our ‘last’ pre-baby get away consisted of.
Regardless of where you go, I really do encourage all mom-and-dads to-be to take a last get away the two of you. Whether it be just turing off your phones for a weekend and hanging at home, taking a stay-cation or visiting a place you never have before; it’s so healthy (and special) to get time with your other half pre-baby and celebrate the past and giggle about what the future holds.