Is Ralph still using his high chair?

toddler chair








When Ralph was 5 months old I bought him this highchair. I didn’t want to buy a highchair before then because 1. he couldn’t use it (too little) and 2. because it would just take up space! After asking friends and doing a lot of research we opted for this highchair and to be honest, it was the BEST $$$ we spent. The highchair was easy to clean and the biggest bonus was that it wasn’t a total eye sore.

We used this highchair form 5 months to 25 months. After we got home from Idaho this summer Ralph was just ‘over’ the high chair, so I was in search for something that he could sit in and feel like a ‘big boy’ ‘but also still be locked in.

I found this booster seat and it has been GREAT for us. Easy to clean, Ralph is comfortable in it and it is actually pretty small so it doesn’t take up a lot of eye space in our bar stool (we put him at the bar but you can also use in a regular chair).

If your little one is growing out of their high chair, I highly recommend this booster it’s only $39..major score!

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