Tag Archives: things to do in dallas

Happy Weekend

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Happy Friday! Whooohooo, it’s the weekend! Where does the time go?? I am actually really excited about this weekend but especially excited for next week! Last night some of our best friends and their precious baby got to Dallas. They are staying with us for a couple of nights which is always such a blast....


Happy Weekend

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Happy Friday! I always seem to get to excited for the weekends. It’s like two days of not thinking about a whole lot and e-mails are minimal…pure bliss. I loved this week because I felt that it was very balanced and pretty normal. Kind of like the first week that everyone was serious again post holiday....


Weekend Wish List

Like most women I have a wardrobe wish list that could go on for days…literally. In a perfect world my so called ‘wish list’ would become a reality, maybe even this weekend?? Ah, a girl can dream right? Maybe one of the items below will allow you to check something off of your wish list…then you have room to add more items to it!...