Tag Archives: fashion blog dallas
Happy Weekend
image via
Happy weekend everyone! I wish I could explain to you how happy I am that it’s the weekend again. This week has been, well quite long and I am freaking exhausted. SO tired that as I write this post I am contemplating just closing my computer and going to bed. Don’t worry, I won’t do that because there are just too many good sales right now that I want to make sure and share with you all....
Blue & White Striped Long Dress
shoshanna dress c/o // sunnies // polish // lipstick
Ever since I wore this dress last summer blue and white has been on my mind. You guys, I am not even kidding when I say that I cannot get enough. When we met with our interior designer for the first time back in October she was asking about color preferences for our new house and my first response was ‘blue and white everything‘....