Tag Archives: goals

Happy New Year: Some Goals for 2018

Amy Havins shares her 2018 goals

I honestly cannot believe that another year has come and gone. It’s crazy to think that just  a year ago I was almost 12 weeks pregnant and was about to start phase 2 of our home renovations. I know they say a lot can change in a year but as I look at my sweet (almost) 6 month old baby, I realize how true that phrase really is....


I’m Back

Amy Havins shares her new years resolutions and what she has been up to.

image via

Hellloooooo 2017! I’m back! Did you miss me? Sorry for the long pause in posts (this was the last post that I did) but to be completely honest, I needed a break. I really wanted to take the holidays to spend time with Wade, friends and family and just relax instead of stressing about getting content up....