Tag Archives: baby ralph

Baby Q & A

baby Q & A

The past couple of months I have been doing Q & A’s (click here to read February’s and click here to read March’s). You guys message or e-mail questions and I round up the most asked ones and answer them. I have found this to be such a great way for you all to get to know me better....


11 Months with Ralph

11 months with ralph

My baby is one month away from his first birthday and I really cannot believe it. Where has this year gone??? Last night when I was writing this post, I went through each monthly recap of Ralph’s first year (see links at the bottom of this post) and I really cannot believe the change that has happened over the last 11 months....


Where does the time go?

Ralph at 9 months

Where does the time go? This is a question that I ask myself multiple times a day. Pre-Ralph, I used to think that time flew by. Now that Ralph is here, I feel like I am blinking and it is gone. Maybe it is because you count everything with a baby (weeks, moments, weight, growth) or just because everything you do with the baby is a blast?...